Auckland: 00:00:00
Sydney: 00:00:00
Tokyo: 00:00:00
Seoul: 00:00:00
Shanghai: 00:00:00

New Delhi: 00:00:00

Abu Dhabi: 00:00:00

Moscow: 00:00:00
Tel Aviv: 00:00:00
Nairobi: 00:00:00

Cairo: 00:00:00

Cape Town: 00:00:00

Mannheim: 00:00:00

London: 00:00:00
Barcelona: 00:00:00

São Paulo: 00:00:00

Buenos Aires: 00:00:00

Santiago de Chile: 00:00:00
New York: 00:00:00
Chicago: 00:00:00
San Francisco: 00:00:00
Vancouver: 00:00:00
Auckland: 00:00:00
Sydney: 00:00:00
Tokyo: 00:00:00
Seoul: 00:00:00
Shanghai: 00:00:00
Neu-Delhi: 00:00:00
Abu Dabi: 00:00:00
Moskau: 00:00:00
Tel Aviv: 00:00:00
Nairobi: 00:00:00
Kairo: 00:00:00
Kapstadt: 00:00:00

Mannheim: 00:00:00

London: 00:00:00
Barcelona: 00:00:00
Sao Paulo: 00:00:00
Buenos Aires: 00:00:00
Santiago de Chile: 00:00:00
New York: 00:00:00
Chicago: 00:00:00
San Francisco: 00:00:00
Vancouver: 00:00:00
Auckland: 00:00:00
Sydney: 00:00:00
Tokyo: 00:00:00
Seoul: 00:00:00
Shanghai: 00:00:00
Neu-Delhi: 00:00:00
Abu Dabi: 00:00:00
Moskau: 00:00:00
Tel Aviv: 00:00:00
Nairobi: 00:00:00
Kairo: 00:00:00
Kapstadt: 00:00:00

Mannheim: 00:00:00

London: 00:00:00
Barcelona: 00:00:00
Sao Paulo: 00:00:00
Buenos Aires: 00:00:00
Santiago de Chile: 00:00:00
New York: 00:00:00
Chicago: 00:00:00
San Francisco: 00:00:00
Vancouver: 00:00:00

Localisation consulting

25 years’ experience in developing and optimising translation and project management workflows

Do you want to ensure that your international conference, meetings with your foreign business partners or your company’s trade fair stand are a complete success – smooth processes, perfect acoustics, convincing pitches and satisfied participants that are impressed by the professional organisation of the event? This is exactly the same objective that we are pursuing. For this reason, we always provide you with outstanding qualified interpreters for every interpreting assignment.

Whether you require interpreters for two or more languages, an interpreter for contract negotiations or factory tours for foreign delegations, media events or training – our interpreters are academically trained renowned professionals on whose experience and linguistic expertise you can rely.

Translation Memory Systems (CAT)
  • Advice on choosing the optimum CAT system for your company
  • Development of translation workflows optimised to suit your corporate structure with or without using CAT systems
  • Advice on devising competence structures
  • Back-up and support with introducing CAT systems
  • Advice during the CAT implementation phase
  • Training internal and external team members
Translation management
  • Determination of optimisation potential by analysing existing translation workflows and individual translation steps
  • Optimisation of translation workflows according to individual corporate requirements
  • Development of all-round translation management systems tailored to the corporate structure with or without using CAT systems
  • Advice on devising competence structures
  • Back-up and support with incorporating applications for translation management, translation engineering, content management systems, document management
  • Advice during the implementation phase
  • Coaching internal and external project teams
Technical documentation
  • Determination of corporate requirements and target definition
  • Analysis of existing documentation and determination of optimisation potential
  • Development of strategies to optimally prepare for multi-lingual translations
  • Advice on editing and translation tools
  • Development of editing and translation workflows
  • Advice on strategies for selecting editing and translation teams
  • Coaching internal and external team members
Project and process management
  • Organisational and process consulting
  • Project management
  • Set-up and control of PMO
  • Project controlling
  • Project management coaching
  • Interim management
  • Management accounting
Quality management
  • Analysis of organisational and quality management structure
  • Determination of optimisation potential according to corporate requirements
  • Advice and support with developing quality management processes
  • Advice and support  with introducing quality management processes
  • Organisational and process consulting
  • Quality management handbook
  • Supplier management as a quality management sub-process
Consulting ITC infrastructure

Advice and support withoptimising, developing, monitoring and extending the IT architecture, IT strategy, IT infrastructure and IT governance taking into account corporate requirements


  • Establishment, further development and administration of heterogeneous networks
  • Installation and administration of MSSQL servers
  • Connection of corporate entities via VPN
  • Design, implementation and documentation of web systems
  • Microsoft Active Directory/Exchange Migration
  • Server-based computing under Windows terminal servers
  • Project management for the planning/installation of the private automatic branch exchange (PABX)
  • Optimisation of software and hardware solutions, including advice on new investments and upgrades
  • Restructuring, centralisation and administration of the ICT system
  • Virtualisation with Citrix XenServer and VMware
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