Auckland: 00:00:00
Sydney: 00:00:00
Tokyo: 00:00:00
Seoul: 00:00:00
Shanghai: 00:00:00

New Delhi: 00:00:00

Abu Dhabi: 00:00:00

Moscow: 00:00:00
Tel Aviv: 00:00:00
Nairobi: 00:00:00

Cairo: 00:00:00

Cape Town: 00:00:00

Mannheim: 00:00:00

London: 00:00:00
Barcelona: 00:00:00

São Paulo: 00:00:00

Buenos Aires: 00:00:00

Santiago de Chile: 00:00:00
New York: 00:00:00
Chicago: 00:00:00
San Francisco: 00:00:00
Vancouver: 00:00:00
Auckland: 00:00:00
Sydney: 00:00:00
Tokyo: 00:00:00
Seoul: 00:00:00
Shanghai: 00:00:00
Neu-Delhi: 00:00:00
Abu Dabi: 00:00:00
Moskau: 00:00:00
Tel Aviv: 00:00:00
Nairobi: 00:00:00
Kairo: 00:00:00
Kapstadt: 00:00:00

Mannheim: 00:00:00

London: 00:00:00
Barcelona: 00:00:00
Sao Paulo: 00:00:00
Buenos Aires: 00:00:00
Santiago de Chile: 00:00:00
New York: 00:00:00
Chicago: 00:00:00
San Francisco: 00:00:00
Vancouver: 00:00:00
Auckland: 00:00:00
Sydney: 00:00:00
Tokyo: 00:00:00
Seoul: 00:00:00
Shanghai: 00:00:00
Neu-Delhi: 00:00:00
Abu Dabi: 00:00:00
Moskau: 00:00:00
Tel Aviv: 00:00:00
Nairobi: 00:00:00
Kairo: 00:00:00
Kapstadt: 00:00:00

Mannheim: 00:00:00

London: 00:00:00
Barcelona: 00:00:00
Sao Paulo: 00:00:00
Buenos Aires: 00:00:00
Santiago de Chile: 00:00:00
New York: 00:00:00
Chicago: 00:00:00
San Francisco: 00:00:00
Vancouver: 00:00:00

Welcome to your

Language Service Provider

for industry and business

Specialist translations




What you gain with flexword

With us as your partner, experience the true meaning of customer focus. 

When tasks become more demanding, how many companies can deliver what they promise. flexword keeps its word: high performance, competence and flexibility. That makes us the top provider among quality language service companies.  We offer efficient concepts even for the most complex of projects and the most demanding of tasks.

Quality standard

  • EN ISO 9001-2008-certified quality management
  • Certified according to EN ISO 17100 for translation services
  • Proven, highly developed customer focus
  • Highly qualified specialist translators, proofreaders and IT specialists.
  • Optimised workflows
  • Fail-proof and high-performance network
  • Secure means of transmitting data

Data security & Data protection

  • Fail-proof and high-performance network
  • Convenient uploading and downloading options für große Datenmengen
  • Local, in-house servers (no data in public clouds!)
  • Secure means of transmitting highly sensitive documents
  • Use of VPN and other network structures so data can be processed within the network without it having to be forwarded für höchste Vertraulichkeitsstufen

Specialist fields

  • Technology, natural sciences and IT
  • Business and law
  • Marketing and advertising
  • Medicine and medical technology
  • Politics, culture and education

Specialist interpreters

  • Congresses and conferences
  • Contract negotiations
  • Shareholders’ meetings
  • Press conferences
  • Cultural events
  • Presentations, seminars and training
  • Interpreting equipment: interpreting booths, portable interpreting systems, audio technology

Translators & Consultants

Perfected workflows, a highly efficient IT network:

With a global pool of over 5000 academically trained, experienced professional translators, proofreaders, interpreters and language engineers, our qualified project managers bring language service projects of all sizes to completion in a professional and reliable manner. Set us the challenge – and together we will make your international projects really take off!

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