Auckland: 00:00:00
Sydney: 00:00:00
Tokyo: 00:00:00
Seoul: 00:00:00
Shanghai: 00:00:00

New Delhi: 00:00:00

Abu Dhabi: 00:00:00

Moscow: 00:00:00
Tel Aviv: 00:00:00
Nairobi: 00:00:00

Cairo: 00:00:00

Cape Town: 00:00:00

Mannheim: 00:00:00

London: 00:00:00
Barcelona: 00:00:00

São Paulo: 00:00:00

Buenos Aires: 00:00:00

Santiago de Chile: 00:00:00
New York: 00:00:00
Chicago: 00:00:00
San Francisco: 00:00:00
Vancouver: 00:00:00
Auckland: 00:00:00
Sydney: 00:00:00
Tokyo: 00:00:00
Seoul: 00:00:00
Shanghai: 00:00:00
Neu-Delhi: 00:00:00
Abu Dabi: 00:00:00
Moskau: 00:00:00
Tel Aviv: 00:00:00
Nairobi: 00:00:00
Kairo: 00:00:00
Kapstadt: 00:00:00

Mannheim: 00:00:00

London: 00:00:00
Barcelona: 00:00:00
Sao Paulo: 00:00:00
Buenos Aires: 00:00:00
Santiago de Chile: 00:00:00
New York: 00:00:00
Chicago: 00:00:00
San Francisco: 00:00:00
Vancouver: 00:00:00
Auckland: 00:00:00
Sydney: 00:00:00
Tokyo: 00:00:00
Seoul: 00:00:00
Shanghai: 00:00:00
Neu-Delhi: 00:00:00
Abu Dabi: 00:00:00
Moskau: 00:00:00
Tel Aviv: 00:00:00
Nairobi: 00:00:00
Kairo: 00:00:00
Kapstadt: 00:00:00

Mannheim: 00:00:00

London: 00:00:00
Barcelona: 00:00:00
Sao Paulo: 00:00:00
Buenos Aires: 00:00:00
Santiago de Chile: 00:00:00
New York: 00:00:00
Chicago: 00:00:00
San Francisco: 00:00:00
Vancouver: 00:00:00

Dandelion – Dent de lion

Makroaufnahme einer Löwenzahnblüte in der Wiese


It is well known that French and English share some common vocabulary.

village – village
air – air
bracelet – bracelet

But did you know that some English words contain entire French sentences?

Take a look at the video!

„French Phrases Hidden in English Words“

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