The majority of translators are getting used to using certain types of CAT tools in their everyday work since they understand all the benefits they bring. For those who are not familiar with the idea of CAT tools, it is important to know that they have only one goal and that is to facilitate the work of a translator and not to replace him. Therefore, we would like to present the 3 main reasons for choosing computer-assisted translation.
1. Saving time while assuring consistency and quality
As industries change, their needs also change and companies require translations of many multilingual documents, which results in larger volumes of translation work. Working with big projects is usually done simultaneously by more than one translator and the only way to achieve terminology consistency is by using CAT tools. This also includes consistency of abbreviations, product titles, etc. Additionally, you can save valuable time by using other assurance features like auto correcting, automatic flags to notify grammatical errors or formatting bugs, missing translations, missing tags, inconsistency in numbers.
2. Easy with source file
There is a large variety of file formats that can easily be processed in almost every CAT tool. This is especially helpful when translating websites, desktop publishing files and software with difficult non-standard file formats. The stronger CAT tools, such as SDL Studio and MemoQ, are capable of filtering out formatting and other tags (such as HTML, XML, or design programs like Adobe InDesign) that are critical to the final document.
3. Project management
It is easy to get lost in your translation, especially when you work on several projects at the same time. Managing projects is another feature of CAT tools, which provides translators with control over their projects, allowing them more control and better organisation of their work. It is very easy to see the progress of any particular project (in percentages) and to access active projects. In this way, productivity is increasing since linguists who use CAT tools actually do more work than they used to without them.
When used properly, CAT tools can be very helpful assistants in making your work less time-consuming, easier and, most importantly, they can increase the quality of your translation. Of course, beginning is never easy and getting used to something new can seem challenging, but with the benefits they bring, it can be well worth it.